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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013

Protect your 2015 GST ready software license

If you already get the Malaysia latest GST ready software specification from the government authority, and your teams plan to spend the resources to make your software get certified and compliant to the Malaysia GST standard. Congratulate that you already on the right track, but make sure you have plan to protect and secure plan for this upgrade, in order to prevent people take advantage on your team's job. Not everybody ready for to be GST Accounting software supplier, so this is the golden opportunities. However, our advise is protect it before too late. At least secure it while this transition period.

The sharing from 1 of our client still is the true until today.

Many software developers don't bother anybody or some of their software users take advantage to them, since the software price is not much and they confident their clients will for sure come back to them for support 1 day later, this is true, but with the small lose, this may make also you lose the a lot opportunities (unforeseen opportunity) , your software is good and powerful but already being reverse engineering by others who is smarter than you or who foreseen the opportunity earlier than you in some field, then you lose the opportunities and no people will contact you for those additional opportunities, you are losing the business opportunities.

If you read this article, short but i hope can bring you some tips for the day, all this are 90% correct at least, no people might direct illegal copy your software but reverse engineering on your code is possible and practicle, brand their software themself and no need R&D:)

Protect now or too late, you can never know your potential until you get the next opportunity :)